Thursday, October 3, 2013

Proclaiming the Gospel

Reading USCCA, Chapter 3: "Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature"

"Principal Duty of the Council: The Defense and Advancement of Truth

The greatest concern of the ecumenical council is this: that the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine should be guarded and taught more efficaciously. That doctrine embraces the whole of man, composed as he is of body
and soul. And, since he is a pilgrim on this earth, it commands him to tend always toward heaven.
This demonstrates how our mortal life is to be ordered in such a way as to fulfill our duties as citizens of earth and of heaven and thus to attain the aim of life as established by God. That is, all men, whether taken singly or as united in society, today have the duty of tending ceaselessly during their lifetime toward the attainment of heavenly things and to use only for this purpose the earthly goods, the employment of which must not prejudice their eternal happiness.
The Lord has said: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his justice” (Matt. 6,33). The word “first” expresses the direction in which our thoughts and energies must move. We must not, however, neglect the other words of this exhortation of Our Lord, namely: “And all these things shall be given you besides” (ibid.). In reality, there always have been in the Church, and there are still today, those who, while seeking the practice of evangelical perfection with all their might, do not fail to make themselves useful to society. Indeed, it is from their constant example of life and their charitable undertakings that all that is highest and noblest in human society takes its strength and growth."
Regarding Pope John XXIII's five points for achieving the goal of teaching Christian doctrine more effectively:
1. "Be filled with hope and faith."  Amen.  What of anything worthwhile can be achieved without hope?
2. "Discover ways of teaching the faith more effectively."  Discovery is always an important part of learning and growing for both "teacher" and "student."
3. "Deepen the understanding of doctrine."  That's what I am actively trying to do through my current studies and service projects.
4. "Use the medicine of mercy."  Amen.  Maybe sometimes people need to be awakened to their need for mercy, but always people need mercy.
5. "Seek unity within the Church... and with all..."  Amen!  Yes!  The Lord has planted in my heart a special longing for Unity.  I consider this longing (while often painful) to be a gift of the Spirit.  A gift, not something just to be tolerated, but something to be used for God's glory and our edification.
Why would Christ call others to carry on His saving "vision"?  I consider the use of the word "vision" in this question to be only half of what Christ has commissioned.  I know that "vision" is much more than an idea or a dream or a purposeful plan; it is akin to "vocation."  Both words allude to one of our senses but mean to encompass our total being in some sort of recruitment to a purpose and more so, a conforming to God's Will through the very transformation of our Selves.  It is the transformation part that I would have us highlight.  Christ calls us to be transformed in such a way that we are then, by our very living, invitations to others to be transformed by Christ as well.
How does the Church help me understand the Bible?  Mostly by preserving the oral and written testimony throughout the ages.  How do the popes and bishops ensure that the "full and living Gospel will always be preserved in the Church"?  I don't think they actually do.  I think it is the Holy Spirit that does so.  When the popes and bishops are faithful to the Holy Spirit, then they are channels of the Holy Spirit's faithfulness.  Our faithfulness must always be first and foremost to Christ.  It is in our living of faithful communion with Christ that the Holy Spirit can work in us and through us.

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